Please note that this help center is a work in progress. Currently, the information for branch administrators is live.

If you have questions or additional topics you would like to see information on, please contact the Technology Committee at

How Can We Help?

Branch Support

Branch Administrators

Articles to help you navigate your role as a Branch Facilitator or Branch Coordinator.


Support for our volunteers, including articles on the responsibilities and helpful tips.


A toolkit to help you bring in new members and spread the word about your Branch.

Technology Support


Walkthroughs and guides to using Flocknote for your Branch.


Troubleshooting and navigation to help you navigate the website.


Information on all things video related, including the upload process and timelines.

Role Support

Shepherding Board

Document center for the Shepherding Board to keep everything in one place.

Technology Team

Support articles to better help you help others with Technology.

New Branch Development

A step-by-step guide on starting a new Branch of the Cornerstone.

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